Sound art at Kästrich

Nov 2022 – Sound Art At Kästrich is a documentary of 16 sound art works bij 16 artists that were presented between 1991 and 1999 at the independent forum for art Kästrich in Mainz – some of them for the first time in Germany. For the CD, the original recordings of the nineties have been digitally remastered.
Sound artists: Jacoba Bedaux, Jens Brand, Ad van Buuren, Michael Delia, Mona Higuchi, Jarosław Korán, Harald Kubiczak, Rolf Langebartels, Richard Lerman, Phill Niblock, Ed Osborn, Paul Panhuysen, Nico Parlevliet, Waldo Riedl, Dan Senn, Relly Tarlo.
Sound master: Kees van de Wiel, Essay: René van Peer, Editor: Harald Kubiczak

80 Pages plus CD, 2022
ISBN 978-3-9822835-1-7

Sound: Nico Parlevliet / Eating Potatoes (00:51″)